Now Hiring: Automotive Mechanic
Automotive Mechanic Job Description: We seek an experienced, responsible, highly motivated, skilled, versatile Automotive Mechanic to join our dynamic team at RAW CUSTOMS. In this position, you will b [...]
Automotive Mechanic Job Description: We seek an experienced, responsible, highly motivated, skilled, versatile Automotive Mechanic to join our dynamic team at RAW CUSTOMS. In this position, you will b [...]
Are you planning on customizing or restoring your motorcycle? Here in the Prescott area, lots of bikers are going with powder coat instead of paint. Here at RAW Customs, we believe powder coat is supe [...]
Motorcycle Tire Safety When you ride your bike, a safe ride relies on more than just your motorcycle and the drivers in your periphery. Here in Prescott, the quality and condition of tires play an imp [...]
There are so many Creative Uses for Powder Coating t for Both Big and Small Items! When you think of powder coating, you may think in terms of cars, trucks, and motorcycles. But here in Prescott, powd [...]
We enjoy every ride, and we love our bikes. But sometimes we just forget to keep them up with a regular maintenance schedule. Motorcycle enthusiasts here in Prescott are becoming more and more aware o [...]
Best Motorcycle Rides in Arizona: Springtime headed into summer makes for some of the greatest biking fun of the year. Here in Prescott it is getting warm yet still a bit breezy. Letâ€&trad [...]
May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. It is an ideal time for drivers of full-sized vehicles to remember to LOOK FOR BIKES and review how they can stay safe around the motorcyclists out there on t [...]
Legend has it that Evil Road Spirits have been latching themselves on to motorcycles for as long as there have been bikes on the road. These Evil Road Spirits are responsible for mechanical problems a [...]